There is one true God who is infinite and eternal and is revealed in three persons - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (the Trinity).
Jesus is eternal God as the second person of the Trinity. In the Incarnation, He took on a human nature, being born of a virgin. He died for humankind's sins and three days later was physically and bodily resurrected from the dead.
The Bible alone is the inspired Word of God and is therefore infallible and authoritative. This is foundational to everything else.
Human beings are created in the image of God and are morally accountable to the Creator. They are destined to live forever with God in heaven or suffer eternally in hell, depending on whether they have responded affirmatively to the gospel of salvation as defined in Scripture.
All human beings are born into the world in a state of dire sin and are estranged from God. They can do nothing to merit salvation before God. Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone, based solely on the atonement wroght by Christ at the cross.
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